I have felt ups and downs towards how I look, and the way I feel lately. When Eric and I met, we both loved going to the gym. He was looking towards body building, and I had recently decided to make big changes with my life, and to get in shape so that I could feel better about myself and the way I look. It was such a good hobby to share, and we kept each other motivated! Eric was at the extremes in his dieting, and work outs and he got me into it. We would prepare meals for the entire week on sundays, and would eat the same food almost everyday. After we got home from work, we would train really hard at the gym and when we got engaged, we really kicked our butts into gear so that we would feel great at our wedding! Eric has been such an amazing motivator, and always pushes me. I remember one time at the gym, I cried and yelled at him (in front of people) because I was so tired and felt he was pushing me too hard, but I know he was only doing that because that is what I had told him to do! I am grateful he did that because it has taught me so much about the gym, my abilities and kept me motivated.

<---This is one of my senior pictures. I hate to say I was overweight, but I definitely struggled with how I look a lot of my life, and it hasn't been until I got into college that I have developed a better attitude towards myself.
We went off track after the wedding, and it wasn't until a few months ago that we both knew we needed to get our butts back into gear and develop our healthy habits again. I know summer is coming, and I want to really get to where I want to be, so that I can feel confident again! Between our busy schedules, Eric goes to the gym during his lunch break, and I go after work.
Not only have we been working out and training hard, we have got back into eating small and balanced meals. I have been taking a lot of pictures lately of some of the things I am eating and I would love to share them! It is helpful to me to document what I eat, and it is motivating. I have found a website called
Dashing Dish and it has some AMAZING recipes! I have loved making new things, especially the desserts on here that are protein backed, low sugar and low in calories! Check it out!
Eric and I LOVE food, as does mostly everyone in the world. It's important to have moderation, and to not deprive yourself from the things you love but to eat them in small portions, or like said before, moderation.
Some of the pictures shown are greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey, twice baked sweet potato, whole wheat pancakes & eggs with sugar free syrup, protein pack oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, salmon & a spinach salad, fat free cottage cheese with berries, and the great 98 calories slice of rich chocolate cake!
There are so many great recipes out there that are full of protein, low sugar and overall healthy choices that are SO EASY! I have never been a great cook, so if I can find them and make them, so can you!
This post is not to brag, or to complain about the way I feel but rather I hope to be motivation that anyone can eat healthy, and eat good food while eating healthy! It takes dedication, and motivation but if you are someone who doesn't feel confident with themselves, or someone who wants to make some changes, YOU CAN DO IT! Eric and I both work hard, and we aren't quite where we want to be, and we don't always make the best healthy choices, but we try and we are willing to put effort into our health so that we can feel good!
xo Ashley