Thursday, February 21, 2013


hello readers,

I have felt mixed emotions about this blogging thing but have decided I should stick with it, if I can, during mine & eric's busy lives. A little update on us, still happy as can be as a still somewhat new married couple. We have been busy with school and work, and are anxious to see some sun as summer slowly creeps up on us! Eric is at the University of Utah and working hard at National Benefit Services. He is planning on majoring in economics, possible minor in math...we'll see what happens! He is such a hard worker and I can't thank him enough for all that he does! I am at Utah Valley University in my first semester in the Elementary Education program and I know that in the end, this hard work will pay off! I am super busy, making lesson plans, working on assignments, learning teacher things and even though it's hectic, I absolutely love it. I am so excited and nervous to start "field" work in a few weeks where I will get to go into the elementary school and teach a bit, observe and be around students! It won't be my first time in the classroom but I can't help but be nervous to know I may be the teacher for a solid 3 weeks. I am nannying right now for a cute family, not far from home and they keep me busy too! I feel like a little mom, like they are my own kids and I find myself dealing with the frustrations and exciting moments a mom would feel. It's been a really great experience and I am enjoying the time I get to spend with the kids each day! I am currently working on potty training Finn, the little 2 1/2 year old and so far its me-0 finn-1 haha. I have been proud to say I have got him going #1 in the toilet....not so much #2. We are still working on it, but no more diapers for him! It's been a teaching experience and I can't wait to have a family of my own with eric! It won't be planned for any crazy time soon but when it happens, i'll be ready! I am anxious for this weekend, even though eric and I hardly make crazy plans because we are so exhausted and in desperate need of quality time together, we enjoy every second of it. 

I hope you all keep updated with us, so I know this blog isn't a complete waste! 


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